
A ‘Thank You’ Picture


Soooo I was a silly billy and overworked myself last year, resulting in two injuries that I’m still recovering from, one my arm and other my foot/shin. Being so young and having somewhat crippled myself made me put things in perspective and take much better care of myself and my body. Thats where Paria comes in! (Hope I spelt that right)

She has been my physiotherapist for the last few month and with her magic hands and elbows, my injuries are waaaaay, waaaaay better, my arm nearly healed and my leg on it’s way. Healing and treatment aren’t always pleasant, but pain in the name of progress makes it worth it. It may be her job but giving me back my health is one of the most precious gifts that I could ever receive, so THANK YOU!


Girl and Golem – Progress Pic

Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 1.00.01 AM

Yeaaaaah it’s not finished but I wanted to show it off anyway!

This is a screenshot from my lovely Photoshop screen, it has my rough painting coming along as well as a few color and mood reference pictures beside. The idea is inspired by a daydream that I’ve been slowly constructing over the last year, bits and pieces of the story coming along every time I go back to it. Will I share it once it’s come to fruition? Why of course!


Concrete on the Mountain Top

concrete mountaintop final

Higher on the mountain than any person had ever been, Concrete sits bare with nothing but a special pen and paper, pausing in his writing to look out far, far into the distance.

For those who aren’t familiar with Concrete, he’s Paul Chadwicks creation and one of the finest comic series found today! A man who had his mind transplanted into a near-invulnerable rock-like alien is now forced to live out everyday with his foreign body, though it does have its advantages. Many of the comics follow him traveling the world as an invulnerable writer and takes on challenges that no human could, such as swimming the Atlantic Ocean. The drawing is incredible and I highly recommend it to anyone with good taste.

All done with digital, and I will say it again, CONCRETE IS NOT MY CREATION, I WISH HE WAS BUT HE ISN’T.


Minion-Made Birthday Present

minions colored h


I figure these guys wanted to surprise the girls with a real-life unicorn but this horse isn’t having any of it.

So this was originally drawn for a letter being sent aaaaaaall the way to Germany to a lovely girl there who was an exchange student with my family for a time. I liked it so much I decided to color it, and oh man it is awesome! Pencils were done traditionally, colored in Photoshop.

And, of course, I didn’t come up with Minions (I wish I did) and they belong tooooooo some big company that I can’t remember. DON’T SUE ME


Potato Spelunking, the Comic


A short comic from me to you! This was a fun little thing to make, 5 pages long and whipped up in 2 weeks during school as an extra project. Special thanks to Malcolm Sutherland, he provided the inspiration for it. It kinda/sorta had offensive language, but no f-bombs or anything.

‘Potato Spleunking’ is about a grumpy character named Potato Sak who has had his beloved taters stolen and now scours all of the Vine world for them with help from his ever-chipper fox companion, Pete. In this particular time in his journey, they are crawling deep down through the root tunnels on a rumor and find something they weren’t expecting.

I did the initial drawing and rough sketches traditionally then colored and added text digitally, and if you’d like I made a fancy PDF for you, feel free to download for yourself! Make sure not to steal credit for it or anything, that is a very uncool thing to do.

Potato Spelunking Comic

P.S. If the quality is crummy let me know, I can fix that I’m sure!



Oryx and Crake, Portrait of an Antagonist

Antagonist Crake Final

I realized after drawing this for a while that this fellow looks like Harry Potter. However this man, Crake, is from a far darker story with a far darker destiny. This was for a school project, a portrait of a protagonist and an antagonist, this man being the latter. The book is Oryx and Crake and is a world wiped free of nearly all humans with the past being slowly recollected through the mad thoughts of a stranded man. Crake is the dark and hidden evil with a calm and cold face, a hyper intelligent man with his own plan for the future of humanity.

This is one of my favorite books as it has such a strong imagery and story, it  even stayed in my head for weeks afterwards, recommended for all adults!

Groot and Deforestation

A gallery, thats new! These are some digital paintings I did for a school project involving the famous character Groot from Marvel. Groot and WWF team up to address the problem of deforestation, and in these three you can watch the process of a beautiful forest being all chopped up by us nasty humans. I think it is obvious but I will say it here, GROOT IS NOT MY CREATION, GROOT IS PROPERTY OF MARVEL SO DON’T SUE ME.



Lost in the Jungle, Year 7

Final Jungle brats

The idea was akin to Lord of the Flies, so a group of children becoming stranded in a jungle and left to fend for themselves. Years have passed (and they haven’t murdered each other) so their clothes are now patches, they have some of their own hand made tools, and items from the past such as teddy bears, whistles, or necklaces, are now precious items and held close. Though they have adjusted to their new home, they still wonder if they’ll ever get back to their old home, the one that’s fading out of their memories.